Our Ministries

DiGiT Youth

We believe that knowing and following Jesus is life changing and so we want to dig into the Bible and get to know the real Jesus.

DiGiT (Discovering if God is There) is a Youth Group for young people beginning from Year 7 School age through to 17 years of age. We meet together on Friday night of the school term from 7-9:15pm at the church. A normal night will involve epic games followed by a talk from the Bible, discussion groups and then supper.

For more info contact Will (will@mundaringcofc.org.au), Chris (chris@mundaringcofc.org.au) or visit our Facebook Page.

Girls Brigade

Girls’ Brigade is a relationship building program, open to school age children, which has been developed especially for girls. It incorporates physical, social, educational & spiritual aspects. 

For more information contact:

Captain Bronwyn Blackwell 0467 666 705 or wamundaring@girlsbrigade.org.au

Or visit the website

Kids Church

Our Kids’ ministry runs during school terms and provides a friendly and enjoyable environment where children learn about Jesus in a way they can understand, remember and apply to their lives. Everyone meets in the main  auditorium at 10.00am and after a time of worship together, children go out with leaders to their separate groups. 
Bubbles Group (3 year olds to year 1)
Young children meet  for Bible stories, drama, activities and simple crafts.
Splash Group (years 2 to 5)
Children meet for gospel-centred Bible Lessons, activities and games.
Tween Group (years 6 to 9)
Tween Group is for those in the last year of primary school and early high school and is a bible study group where children participate in Bible reading, prayer and fellowship.

For more information please contact our Church Office

Pastoral Care

Church members supporting their fellow followers

We understand caring for each other to be the collective responsibility of all members of our family. There is a diverse range of skills and experiences spread throughout our family and we value being able to use them to help others in practical ways. It's how we demonstrate that we love each other.

If you need practical help, or maybe someone to talk you through a difficult issue, please reach out at helpinghands@mundaringcofc.org.au and someone will give you a hand. 

Mission Work

Supporting Christian missions locally, nationally and internationally

We are passionate about supporting the organisations and workers who share the gospel with people locally, nationally, and internationally. Our Missions Committee coordinates this through our annual Faith Promise program which allows us to provide funds both strategically and tactically. 

You can explore some of the organisations we support by clicking on the icons.

Connect Groups

Connect Groups are small groups of people who meet regularly (usual weekly) in an informal environment to study the Bible together.

Some Connect Groups meet in the church building, and others meet in the homes of (usually) the group leaders.

These groups are the engine room of discipleship in our church.

Smaller groups allow people to form closer relationships as they care for each other, study the Bible together and encourage each other in how to live out what they learn.

Being part of one of these groups is an important part of our family. There are many different groups, each meeting at different times of the week, in different parts of town, and bringing together different types of people. 

There is definitely a group that's right for you!

If you'd like to ask about a group or join one, contact  glen@mundaringcofc.org.au

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